Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Why am I Angry?

While working through the steps, I have realized just how much of an angry person I had become. I had no idea I was full of so much anger and resentment. I was angry because I couldn’t get my way. I was angry because I couldn’t control things. I was angry because I felt mistreated and misunderstood in my life. The list goes on….

One of the lessons I am learning through program is acceptance.
For me, this means living in the present moment and accepting things just as they are. “Stay in the Now” is my motto.

I don't always do a good job with staying in the now. I have a tendency to stew about how things were the past or worry about how things should be in the future.

I am learning to live joyfully in the present and I am finding peace and serenity like I’ve never experienced in my life.
I am grateful for this program. I have been abstinent for six months. The anger fades and each day I find a little more to be joyful about.
Last week I ran across a quote that said something like…

When it comes to the past, you can choose to be bitter or better. I choose to be better – one day at a time.

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