Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Six Months of Freedom from COE

Today marks six months of abstinence. I cannot believe it! Only by the grace of God am I able to say I have been abstinent for six months. My abstinence hasn’t been perfect but I have done my best to follow the program and work the steps.

I am so happy to say I feel free. It’s been a difficult yet rewarding six months. Without OA, I know I would be absolutely miserable right now. I would still be bound to food and an insatiable appetite. Now, my life is filled with joy, gratitude, and happiness. Food is no longer my focus.
I’ve been focusing on relationships lately—my relationship with myself, others, and most importantly, my Creator.

I wish I had something more profound to say but this is it. I’m abstinent. I’m humbled. I’m grateful.

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