Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Keep Coming Back!

Great meeting today. I had a nice long chat with someone who has over 20 years abstinence. She reminded me that abstinence isn't about the weight loss. She also shared that even now she will often weigh and measure her food. I truly felt she understood where I was coming from. This is the one thing I love about my home meeting.

Anyhow, she shared some great experience. She invited me not to be afraid to experiment with my food plan. This frightens me a bit because it took me a while to get to a place where I am not always obsessing about my next meal. I'm a creature of habit and believe that if it's not broke don't try to fix it. However, my food plan, as it is, is not working for me. I do want to release at least 40 more pounds.

I like what she shared about recording how different foods react in the body and in the mind. I could have some food sensitivities. Even though a certain food isn't a trigger food, it may not metabolize efficiently in my body.

I talked to my sponsor about it and she's willing to support me in added this to my food diary.

I also have an appointment with a nutritionist in two weeks.

So, I guess I'm not dropping out of OA and going on a diet.

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