Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Recovery, Relapse, and Spiritual Awakening

I had plans to write more on my thoughts about the retreat. This morning I was listening to a podcast that really spoke to me. A woman was sharing about a vicious cycle of recovery and relapse. It was profound that she finally realized that her abstinence was nothing more than a diet or following a food plan. True recovery, she said, is so much more; it is a spiritual awakening. I found so much comfort in her words. I know that God has blessed me in this area. I have no fear that I will return to my binge foods when I rely on Higher Power, instead of willpower. While I do need to continue to work my willingness to measure my food and watch portions, I am so happy I am recovered from that sugar fog. Now, this is not to say I do not think about those binge foods from time to time, I do. Just the other day a saw a box of Crunch and Munch and sighed. Would I buy a box? NO! There is no way in food hell I would touch that stuff. I’m totally convinced I cannot handle it. I’m also totally convinced that this is a miracle. Anyhow, today I was reminded that staying spiritual fit is the key to my recovery. Abstinence and spiritual recovery are two different things. If I am not careful, I could see my abstinence or food plan as a diet. Doing so could lead to a relapse. It is my desire to have total spiritual recovery. When I have this gift, God will take care of my food/eating.

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