Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

...and the wisdom to know the difference.

Wow! Today I had a wake up call about how very important it is for me to take care of myself. I heard from a former coworker who I haven’t been in touch with for over 20 years. We had some fun times together. I remember the day he got very sick at work and found out he had type 2 diabetes. I didn’t know about compulsive overeating, sugar addiction, and OA at the time.

He was having such a hard time eating healthy foods. He wasn’t taking very good care of himself and kept ending up in the hospital. In hindsight, I suspect he’s a compulsive overeater and a sugar addict. I remember calling him up one day and he was baking a cake! This was a few weeks after being released from the hospital! Anyhow, I just found out that last year, he had one of his legs amputated.

What a reality check about the perils of sugar addiction and overeating! Therefore, but for the grace of God, go I. Seeing how much he (and others) struggled with eating and health wasn’t enough to stop me from getting diabetes. Even though my diabetes has been under control for years, it is still very important that I eat healthy foods and exercise my body on a regular basis. It will also help to be as close to a healthy body weight as possible. I have the knowledge and support to keep myself healthy. I just have to use it and surrender the rest to the God of my understanding.

I am so very grateful for OA and my recovery right now. It would be so easy to reach for sugar. I confess I’ve been thinking about it. I have been so uncomfortable for the last few days. I am grateful it has also been easy for me to reach out to my sponsor and others for help. One of my biggest fears is being so out of control with my eating. I also have a few that I will get sick from diabetes and one of my limbs will be amputated. I know I do not have cling to this fear as long as have faith in my God and continue working my program – one day at a time.

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