Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude

Hello!  Sheila, compulsive overeater checking in. Despite the holiday, gratitude has been on my mind a lot for the past two weeks.  Each day I submit a gratitude list to my sponsor.  There are some days I find it hard to think of things to be grateful for.  This is a good indication that I am not present and have not surrendered my all to Spirit.  When I am in my head and not my heart, all sorts of havoc can begin.  If I truly started counting my blessings, I don’t know when I could stop.
Today I am grateful for abstinence.  Last night I was talking to my sponsor and told her how I get filled with so much emotion when I think about the fact that I have been abstinent for over 50 days now.  When I first committed to my food plan, I was going to be happy if I lasted a week.  The miracle of it all is that my food plan includes not eating after 9 pm. (Yes, I’m a night eater.)  Anyhow, I have not done so in over 50 days and I am determined to get my 60 day coin.  However, OA is a “we” program.  I have not accomplished this alone. It’s been me and everyone who has supported me, all the shares in the meetings, all the phone calls and texts from my wonderful sponsor, all the prayers to Spirit.  Without this concerted effort, I would still be buried in the food.  I am so grateful to be in a healing space right now. Thank you, kind Spirit!

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