Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Monday, November 22, 2010


Hi my name is Sheila and I am a compulsive overeater. Well, I have decided to start another blog. I have a fitness blog. However, in keeping with OA tradition, I think it’s best not to mix the two. Plus, I plan to use this blog as a journal. I attended an OA workshop and realize I do not use the tool of writing often enough.

I joined OA one desperate Friday night in August. I was despondent over the break of an 11-year relationship. I’d lost 60 pounds on my own and was very afraid I was going to regain the weight. I’d spent the evening arguing with myself over the purchase of a slice of cake. I remember walking around that store telling myself not to buy it. I purchased it anyhow. Then I told myself to throw it away before I got home. I kept driving. I sat in the garage telling myself to put it in the trash before going in the house. I didn’t do it. Before I knew it, I had inhaled that piece of cake and a family size box of Crunch and Munch. I knew I was in trouble.

To tell you the truth, I do not know how I ended up at that OA meeting online that night. I was probably researching something about eating. It was a pretty foggy (mentally and spiritually) night. I remember sitting there all disgusted with myself staring at the screen. I remember one lady sending me a private message welcoming me and explaining the ins and outs of the meeting. I liked it so much I attended the next night and the next night. Some of those nights in the beginning I was eating right before, during, or after the meeting. I was really, really insane.

Four months later I’m doing much better. I have been abstinent for 52 days now! I have a wonderful, loving, supportive sponsor. I attend OA meetings online two or three times a week and face to face meetings once a week. I am very grateful for recovery. OA is helping me be a better me. I have my ups and downs. I am trying my best to do the footwork that will lead me to serenity.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

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