Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Sunday, November 28, 2010


For today:  I rejoice that the feeling of being unsettled – having many problems to deal with, much  adjusting to do – sends me to my Higher Power instead of the refrigerator.” page. 332

Have you been unsettled?   If so, what gift(s) does that bring?

Where should I start?  Ending an 11-year relationship, moving into a new place in five days, released a 15-year friendship, a very dear friend I’ve known since 2nd grade made his transition over the summer, new and extra duties at work (in addition to learning a new system scheduled to launch in two weeks), and I joined OA in August.

Despite all of these unsettling events over the past months, I have received many gifts and miracles.  I am learning a new way of being. I am most grateful for Spirit leading me to OA instead of drowning my sorrows in a plate of food.  I am very grateful for my awesome, supportive sponsor.  I have met so many wonderful, supportive people.  It’s so comforting to know there are people out there who understand what I’m going through. I also appreciate the opportunity and gift to be of service to others. My relationship with my Higher Power gets stronger each day. I also have the wonderful miracle and gift of over 50 days of abstinence.

What strategies have you found helpful in times of difficulty?

Daily and multiple prayer and meditation sessions have been very helpful.  Reaching out to my sponsor and learning from her ESH on a daily basis has been extremely helpful.  I reach out and fellowship with other OA friends.  I have made a commitment to journal on a regular basis.

I also have various quotes, affirmations, and Step Prayers posted throughout my home to help me stay present.

Is there anything else, on this topic or another, you’d like to say?

One of the things I have learned to appreciate from fellowship in OA is that I am not alone, that there are others who can relate to what I am feeling.  This has helped me to begin having more compassion for those I blame from some of the unsettling events in my life right now.  In fact, this week, I found myself praying for them because I know they are just as anxious and unsettled about things as I am at times.  I have prayed that we all stay present and take things one day at a time. 

Thanks for listening,


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