Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Consistency vs. Complacency

Today I am convinced that I’m powerless over food, and if I allow complacency in my program, my life will become unmanageable. Voices of Recovery, Dec. 12th

Yes, there are days I struggle with complacency.  It is usually when I have a lot to accomplish in a day.  I have to remind myself that no matter what is going on I must take the time needed to focus on my recovery.  It is my number one priority.  Without taking care of myself, I cannot take care of the other matters in my life.
I have to resist the urge to rush through my morning meditation and prayer time or skip my evening prayer and meditation.  This is ritual has become an essential part of my recovery.  I’ve always prayed and meditated but not like I have been doing since OA.  It’s also important that I check in with my sponsor each day, especially at the end of the day.  I also like to read For Today daily.  These are the basic tools I need to use to help me stay abstinent.  I still want to make writing a part of my basic routine.  I am working on improving in this area.
Even when I am in a good space, I have to mindful of the temptation to use the tools haphazardly.  It is not always perfect but I do my best to be consistent about doing the footwork. I do not want to fool myself that 70+ days of abstinence means I’m cured.  The effort that it took to get me to this place is the same effort that will keep me in recovery, one day at a time.
There are nights I turn off my laptop only to turn it on again, drag it to my bed, and do my meditation before going to bed.  I do ever want to get to a point where I think I do not need to take the time to work my program. I have listened to enough shares to understand how important it is to be consistent with using the tools.
Yours in Recovery,

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