Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Bachelorette

I’ve already shared this with someone this morning. I promised to do some writing and share it with my sponsor. Tonight I’m going to a bachelorette party. I woke up this morning thinking I will save all my eating until the party tonight. All I could think about was the food that’s going to be there. Feeling totally disgusted with myself right now. WTH? It’s not about the food! It’s about having a good time with my family of choice and their friends as their daughter is preparing to get married on Saturday.
I understand that part of what is prompting the food thoughts is social anxiety. I’m not going to know most of the people there. I’m not good at social settings. Ex was great in a room full of strangers so I could follow her lead. Now that I’m flying solo, it’s a bit challenging for me. I don’t want to start eating and drinking because I’m not at ease.

I also feel kind of bad because my friend knows me. She already sent me a text that I better show up. I don’t want her worrying about me when she should be playing hostess. Even though she said she already has enough help, I try to find something to do.

I keep reminding myself that it’s not about me. I need to come up with a solid plan. Do I skip dinner and consider eating at the party a meal? Do I eat dinner at home and skip eating at the party? I could eat a small salad here and eat a bit at the party…. The things a compulsive overeater worries about it!

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