Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Numbers Don't Lie!

I posted this on my fitness blog and felt I need to post it here as well: I am not very happy right now. I just weighed myself and I’ve gained four pounds! I guess I shouldn’t complain. It could be worst. I also shouldn’t be surprised since I’ve gone over my calorie goal for the day a few times this past two weeks. Anyhow, I am grateful for the courage to face the truth. The old me would have been in denial and stayed off the scale. I also have my new tool – a fat loss monitor. My focus for 2013—building muscle and losing fat!
As far as my food plan goes, I do not need to make many chances. The only thing I will change is my eating out patterns. I know much of the weight gain has to do with eating out over the holidays and not really knowing how many calories was in the food I was consuming. I could only guess and I was guessing too low. I can make it a habit to eat less on my plate when eating out. UPDATE: Just talked to my sponsor. I love her sooo much. She's always so positive and supportive. Anyhow, we agreed I would start eating half of whatever I order when eating out and making sure I eat some veggies with that meal. Often, I order something I usually don't eat at home like a burger and fries. I'm more of an all or nothing type person so I was thinking I'll just stop ordering this meal and order something else. My sponsor doesn't think I should do this. She's cool with me ordering the burger and fries but eating half and having a serving of veggies with it. So this will be my approach going forward.

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