Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Step 11

or Seeking through prayer and meditation to improve my conscious contact with God….

Not much going on with my recovery. I recently joined an 11th Step Meditation group. I love it! It’s comprised of all sorts of addicts. We’re currently reading, The Art of Recovery.

While I am continue to check in with my sponsor, attend the meditation meetings, and attend an occasional online meeting, I cannot tell you when I’ve attended a face-to-face meeting. Truthfully, I do not miss them. I really never connected with either meeting I attended. I did like the Saturday morning meetings better than the crowded Sunday night meetings, but I find it very difficult to get up and get there at 9 am. I’m surprised my sponsor hasn’t said much to me about it. In the beginning, she was adamant about me attending face-to-face meetings. Now, as long as I attend at least one online meeting, I’m content. I know that I do not want to get in a place of being too content.

I am enjoying the meditation meetings. They are helping me to quench the flames of anger and resentment that came up to the surface while working on steps four, five, and six. As I continue working on my relationship with Spirit, I improve my relationship with myself…and others.


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