Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Monday, July 25, 2011

Decision Time - Part II

4. How do I feel about completely turning my life over to a Higher Power for guidance?

This is still a challenge for me. I know it is because of my previous belief system about how God works in my life. There is also a huge part of me that has been so disappointed in the past when I did ask for guidance and felt I did not get it. I know that my HP was not the problem and that I was not able to receive the guidance correctly because I was not in my right mind.

5. Do I have eating guidelines? Will I ask God for the willingness and the ability to live within them each day? Explain.

Yes. There are certain foods I have decided to avoid. Another guideline is portion control. I also try to keep my calories within a certain range. I have to admit I do not always ask God for the willingness to live within these guidelines. There are days I take it for granted that I will be abstinent. I do pray before my meals and express gratitude for an abstinent meal and pray for abstinent for all COEs.

There are days, I resent my eating guidelines. I hate all the measuring. Lately I have been sloppy with my portions. When I get like this, I go back to foods I know I can eat without measuring because I have eaten them so often and know the portion without having to measure.

6. If occasionally the obsession returns, how do I get through these times without overeating?

Lately I have been eliminating the amount of food I keep in my apartment. The best thing for me to do is bookend my meals with my sponsor reminding myself that I am done with my meal. I will also avoid situations when I am not sure I can follow my program. I will eat my meal at home before going to a social event.

7. How do I reach the decision to turn my will and life over to a Higher Power?

I do this by reminding myself how powerless I am over food and how my life became unmanageable. I also remind myself how much better I feel when I do surrender.

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