Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Friday, February 24, 2012

Peace, Peace, Peace - Day Five

Today's meditation was right on time. It was about releasing negative patterns and addictions. I like the discourse that went along with today's meditation that pointed out that we are all addicted to something. If it isn't a substance, we are addicted to the need for approval, control, perfection, etc.

I remember last year at the OA retreat someone mentioned that we are all born with a God-shaped hole. Some people fill it with God while others attempt to fill it with alcohol, drugs, food, shopping, relationships, etc. I remind myself of that God-shaped hole often and seek to only fill it with peace and love. Only one thing can fill that “hole” and make me whole: God.

I am very grateful for the gift of peace meditation brings into my life experience.

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