Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Friday, January 4, 2013


Well, this year is certainly off to a rocky start! My stomach was upset all day today and all I wanted to smoothe whatever is troubling me is a huge bag of potato chips. I've been abstinent for over two years and these cravings and urges still hit me like a Mack truck! I did what any willing compulsive overeater would do. I reached out to my sponsor and told her what I was thinking. I believe as long as I'm honest and tell my sponsor what I'm plotting it makes it more difficult to follow through with my thoughts. My sponsor helps me stay accountable to my program. I am so grateful for the willingness to do the right thing. I am bound and determined to get to my healthy goal weight this year. The only way I'm going to get there is by being honest and working the steps. More than anything else staying abstinent is about my spiritual fitness in addition to my physical fitness. The only chips I will have are my OA chips. I'm looking forward to getting my 3-years chip in October!

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