Freedom from Compulsive Overeating

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Monkey Mind

I really wonder what the Universe is trying to say. I don’t know if this is a test or what!?! Yesterday was a pretty rough day after that dream about my ex. Today has been great. I thought I lost my Fitbook but someone left it at the desk at the gym. Hooray! I was elated! I was off this morning to go to the lab for bloodwork and run some errands. I stayed on plan and didn’t stop to eat out. Yay! Now, I'm working this afternoon and I receive an email from someone with the same first and last name as my ex. WTF! The mind is all over the place! I thought I’d done all the forgiveness and release from resentment work that I needed to do…in fact, I have been feeling pretty neutral about the past … until that dream. I guess there’s more work to do. Going to meditate on this….

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