Before I post my response to an OA workbook question, I wanted to blog for a bit about my recovery. I've spent the past couple of days looking at my past. I felt myself getting down in the dumps so this morning I had to remind myself about what I have accomplished.
Today I have been abstinent 114 days! I also started daily exercise. I'm on Day 23. My goal is to exercise every day this year. I recently set a personal record. I can now do 45 minutes of cardio. Yesterday when I was at the gym, I remember when I could barely do 5 minutes of cardio. This is when I started thinking about how I need to be more diligent about positive self talk.
Anyhow, working through the Workbook is definitely bringing up a lot of emotions for me. I'm so used to running away from my emotions. I am proud of myself for having the courage to look at myself and change.
The other day someone at a meeting said he felt going through the steps while still compulsive overeating was a waste of time. Now, I don't know about that but I do know that it would be much more difficult for me to go through these questions if I wasn't abstinent.
I have so much clarity on mind, body, and spirit right now. My life is much more peaceful. I am filled with so much gratitude these day. So far, I've released 70 pounds. Thank you, recovery!
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